2014 - Commonsense Conservative Agenda

Here is what we accomplished in 2014.

I ended the first quadrennium strong with positive legislation.

  • Direct Deposit for Government Employees - allowing local county and municipalities to dodeirect deposit payroll
  • Alabama Workforce Council - This is the first council with both business people and educators represented. This council ensures that Alabama is preparing our students for the jobs in the workforce.  It's proven to be an extremely positive economic development and education improvement tool.
  • Real Estate Fee - Realtors asked for this increase
  • Dual Enrollment - Funds were increased in the budget for students to take classes that count for both high school and college at the same time.  A $10 million tax credit was passed to give additional funds for this valuable program.
  • Business License - I wanted a bill to look at stream-lining the business license process and moved to a resolution to study the issue, which passed, but the Governor didn't sign.
AccomplishmentsWill Myers